The beast in me is caged by frail and fragile bonds. Restless by day
and by night, rants and rages at the stars, god help the beast in me. The beast in me has had to learn to live with pain and how to shelter from the rain and in the twinkling of an eye
might have to be restrained, god help the beast in me.
Erotic Cakes' is a listening and inspirational jewel. Guthrie's exquisite playing will undoubtedly become the bench mark for Guitar. Equally Seth Govan and Pete Riley have raised the bar with their Bass and drum virtuosity. The performances here are truly amazing. The one thing that will separate this recording from the mainstream is the musicality of the song writing and the production.
Joe Satriani: Totally freakin awesome!!! this CD put a grin on my face a mile wide.
Richie Kotzen: Guthrie Govan can do anything he wants as a guitarist. He has total command over the instrument; I love to watch Guthrie live as he always plays something new that the rest of us would never have thought of. He is truly a gifted musician and I am honored to be a part of Guthrie's 1st album. (Guest solo from Richie on "Ner Ner")
Greg Howe: Guthrie is a brilliant guitarist whose super high level of proficiency does not seem to be limited to any one particular genre or style
"Andrea Kdolsky als authistisch zu bezeichnen, ist erstens gegenüber all jenen, die dieses Krankheitsbild tatsächlich haben, respektlos. Und gegenüber Andrea Kdolsky schlicht absurd, weil sie ein besonders geselliger und kommunikativer Mensch ist, und außerdem untergriffig und mies."
Insane guitar skills
Image credit - UaStudent
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5 Weird Guitars from Craigslist!
Hi there. My name is Billy and I’m a writer with, where we
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Selling my CD's!
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Guitar Tone - Why Everything Matters
"Fracturecaster" by Phil Sylvester of Pheo Guitars, Portland, OR
*CLICK HERE* for more info.
*October, 27, 2016 *
Guitar Tone Wood Factor (Even Solidbod...